Saturday, July 07, 2007

breton girl

i picked up the new knitscene the other day, and even though i had already looked at the preview online, i was way impressed with this issue. is anyone else as obsessed with the breton girl pattern as i am?! i saw it and immediately knew i had to make it. i love boat necks, i love stripes...what's not to love? well, probably the millions of ends i'll have to weave in. oh yeah - and it's knit in acrylic. but besides that - nothing, right? i even ordered the called-for yarn already, because i'm actually oddly intrigued by this acrylic yarn. besides being cheap, it has elastic in it, and i don't know, it just sounds kinda cool. i had to order it from the uk, so shipping was really high, but hopefully it will be worth it. the pattern is cream with navy - i tried to think of a new combo to do, and in the end, i just decided to swap the colors: navy as my main color, and cream as the stripe. not too origina, but i just love the nautical look of this sweater too much to mess with it a whole lot.

i can also see myself making the teardrop scarf, the picot posey mittens, and maybe the ribby retro socks. all cute patterns! and the intricate stag bag? i'll probably never make it, but i love it so much.

in other news, i keep meaning to mention that i'm on ravelry now - have been for about a month actually, and loving it. so if you're on there too, let me know! it's kind of hard to know sometimes if someone is using their blog name or their real name or something else entirely on there.