Wednesday, April 04, 2007

pink, green, yellow...the colors of our lives

today lolly asked to see our pink, green and yellow stash, and i was happy to oblige...i think green is the most represented color in my stash. i can't get enough green! and if it's the right pink or the right yellow, i can't get enough of that either.

so here are the greens:

(that's roughly, from top right, trekking xxl, rowan 4-ply cotton, yarn pirate in 'sadie,' frog tree, socks that rock in 'alina,' yarn pirate in 'apple,' socks that rock in 'watermelon tourmaline,' the knittery (shade unknown), and louet gems in 'fern')

and the pinks (much fewer of those):

(knit picks shine in orchid - i have LOTS of this stuff!, and yarntini in 'pomtini')

and the yellow:

(that's jamieson's shetland spindrift in 'flax,' lisa souza sock! yarn in 'ginger peach,' and some unknown cotton that i used last year to make my mom some dish cloths)

and some more project spectrum around my house...

about five or six years ago, i bought these japanese/chinese language flash cards at a little boutique and bought some cheapo frames from ikea to frame them. i painted them yellow and green because that matched my bathroom at the time. these live in our kitchen now.

tea is a very important part of my day:

soy bean afro ken!

this is an afghan that my great-grandmother crocheted. i love it!

this is where my button collection lives:

and some buttons:

and my book journal, where i record lists of all the books i read in a year: