Wednesday, May 09, 2007

an apple a day

i feel like such a lame blogger of late. i've been a busy bee with other stuff, so i don't really have much knitting progress to show. but i guess i have a few thing of interest to report, so here goes!

first off, despite my whinging about my bad sewing skills in my last post (thanks for making me feel better, by the way), i still continue to buy fabric and sewing books at an alarming rate. it seems that in my head, sewing skill is directly proportional to the amount of fabric in your stash. at least i look like a real sewer with all these piles of fabric! anywho...i got the lotta jansdotter book at last, and there are several cute little projects that i can't wait to make (why am i SO excited about making a draft snake? i don't know, but i really, really am). i picked up some fabric from sarah's new etsy shop, including some of the new denyse schmidt katy jump rope fabric. it's so pretty...i feel like denyse schmidt can do no wrong as far as her fabrics are concerned.

second, progress continues to be made on my rusted root - i need to do probably another four pattern repeats, and then the neck and sleeve ribbing and then...i'll be done! but i've had to momentarily set it aside while i make yet another pair of fetching (my third pair, to be exact. that's crazy!). fetching just makes such a great gift - all three pairs that i've made have been gifted. but hopefully i can finish rusted root by early next week. that would be almost exactly a month since i started it, and i think that's pretty respectable.

rr however has gotten too big to carry around with me to work, so i've started a lunchtime project - a pair of socks, my first knitted with magic loop, which i'm loving. i'm doing the oak rib socks from nancy bush's knitting vintage socks, and using some yarn pirate in apple. so i'm calling them my oak and apple socks - i know, i'm so clever! i've barely started, but you can see that these not only fit in perfectly with project spectrum, but they're like spring personified (or sockified?!). i really like how they're mostly green, and actually lots of different greens, with the thin stripes of bubblegum pink and rosy mauve thrown in. love!

alrighty! i have to go get ready for the craft night i'm hosting tonight - jenna and shannon will be there, as well as all my other crafty-though-blogless friends. good times!